Thursday, April 9, 2009

WAS 6.1 issue with log4J

Apache Commons Logging has a problem with WAS 6.1. Its Log4JLogger either can't be loaded or be reported not compatible with LogFactory.The root cause is WebSphere uses commons-logging and so it's in the root classloader. In addition, WebSphere ships a with the following properties set:


Therefore by default the application will use JDK logging and not log4j.

The solution is to ensure that the right classloader mode is set and the application has an appropriate

1. Set application classloader mode as PARENT_LAST.
2. Also, add a to the application classpath with the following entries:


The priority flag was introduced in Commons Logging 1.1 to allow an ordering based on priority.

To ensure that an application's will take precedence over WebSphere's file, a priority of greater that 0.0 must be set.

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